Sunday, April 12, 2009

THING #18 Web-based applications

Welcome to Zoho Writer
Your Word Processor on the Web

Zoho Writer sports a new, refreshing and intuitive user interface. It is the word processor designed for you, the next generation web citizen. Built using AJAX technology, it's fast and revolutionizes the way you work with documents. Having all your documents online (and offline too! we'll get back to that later!!), you have access to them from any computer, at home or at work. And no more emailing them back-and-forth to your colleagues, clients or friends for review, thanks to its instant collaboration, online commenting and chat facilities.

Signed up for a free account with and learned about the many on-line web applications they have to offer. Several were similar to smart zone communications through Comcast, my source of e-mail communication. I enjoyed opening up the Zoho Writer document and adding it to my blog. Wow, the power of the on-line web is amazing!

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